Case 1
This young man, only 16 years old, had an inflammatory-type cataract that reduced his vision to perception of light only. Following technically demanding yet successful cataract surgery by Professor Bentley, a specialist in cataracts, the patient was able to enjoy 6/9 (20/30) vision. This was an excellent result, considering his prior history.
Case 2
This gentleman came for cataract surgery, with very impaired vision, after some delay due to his concerns regarding anaesthesia, especially needles. We were able to reassure him that the operation could be done as a ‘topical case’ (i.e. just with drops) despite him having a very advanced cataract. The first picture shows the white pupil of very advance disease.
The immediate post operative picture shows that the white pupil has gone and there is already a ‘red reflex’, normally a sign of a healthy eye. He went on to have excellent vision.

Case 3
A particularly challenging situation is when a cataract, such as this image showing a Nuclear Sclerotic type cataract, is associated with a condition called Pseudoexfoliation. This is seen as the white ‘semi circular frill’ towards the bottom of the photograph on the front surface of the cataract. When this condition is present, surgery can often be more difficult as pupil dilatation is poor and the natural supporting sutures of the crystalline lens are weak. An experienced surgeon who is a specialist in cataracts takes into account such features prior to your operation.
Case 4
A cataract changes the colour of the natural crystalline lens from transparent (left example) to a dense yellow or brown colour (right example). In fact, although the cataract in this photo is shown in its entirety, it is not removed in one piece. The specialist cataract surgeon will emulsify it with an ultrasonic handpiece (using technology called phaco-emulsification). This breaks up the hard central part (nucleus) of the lens and then aspirates (sucks up) the particles into a machine.